About us
Two Friends Watch hosts Andrew Milne and Daniel Abigail met in high school in Arbroath, Scotland, in the mid-2000’s. At the time, we were two nerds thoroughly wrapped up in our own heads and hobbies. Andrew was the insular weeb with a tendency to fixate on the minutiae of the things he enjoyed; Daniel was the social magpie, always flitting from one hobby to another in fits and starts of inspiration. He’d call Andrew up at random on a given weekend to see if he wanted to play poker, or go metal detecting.
Things never really changed, except that we both got older and moved around a lot, as careers and relationships dictated! The Two Friends Watch podcast started in its larval form from a radio show that we both hosted at Dundee University one semester, when Andrew was studying English and Film; Daniel talked him into spending an hour a week yapping live about whatever pop-culture topics grabbed our fancy, whether books, TV, anime, tabletop, videogames… the geek culture smorgasbord. We both graduated and moved away, Andrew staying in Scotland while Daniel found his fortunes in continental Europe. But, thanks to videoconferencing software, we’ve stayed in touch and in a state of… let’s call it friendly antagonism, bouncing the movies that grab our attention off one another and recording the conversations for posterity.
Andrew likes weird, arty, transgressive cinema; if there’s a scene where a woman gives birth to an octopus, and it’s a metaphor for the Cold War, he’s there. Daniel likes him some good, wholesome, sensible entertainment with likeable characters and comprehensible storylines. Occasionally, we do find common ground! Often, we don’t! It’s always a good time, either way.

On the Silver Globe